Here you will find some details on the various services. Please, read this page entirely before sending your questions as many of your questions might find their answers here. If you still can’t find an answer to your question, I’ll be more than happy to answer it. Please contact me using the contact form on the site (see link at the top)

Questions & Answers



Basic retouching is included with any photo session. My goal is to show you as beautiful as possible yet keep your natural apparence. The basic retouches includes light adjustments, contrasts and colours, some minor skin corrections, but alway retaining the realistically natural look. It’s always preferable for a portfolio to reflect the reality, be one self, but presented under the best light and angles. However, I am there to meet as much as possible your requirement, so if you do request more elaborated retouching, you can real below for ‘extras’.


As previously mentioned, it is important to show you as you really are. But there might be various reasons for which you would like a particular and recognizable mark be removed or simply altered; like a tattoo for example. It is possible to either remove it or enhance it to your requirement with an additional charge. See the price list for details. We can discuss it together as needed.

Beauty finish

It is possible to obtain a more magazine beauty look where hair may be enhanced, the eyes, the skin soften and skin corrections like aging marks, scars, etc. We agree together on the modifications to be made and how much of it beforehand. There is a $50/hr fee for these type of really involved corrections. We are indeed talking about retouching a picture just like it would be done for a magazine cover. I already mentioned before this is not the recommended choice for a portfolio (unless it is for a modelling portfolio). However, if this is something you are aiming for, I’ll be glad to discuss it further with you.

Blurred face

It is also possible to render your face less recognizable for identity protection. Often times, the framing will help by not showing the face in the picture, or using natural blur caused by shallow depth field. But when it is not possible or the face is clearly visible, it is possible to apply a blurring effect to make it less recognizable. The level of this effect is usually not that big and many times not so effective. But we can discuss to what extent you want to option. This option is free to help in protecting your identity.

Session Length

On average, a session will last about 2 hours, including the various changes in clothing. I do not impose a maximum on the changes. However, keep in mind the more changes there are, the less time we have to take pictures to achieve that perfect look and having a good selection. Typically, we keep the same mood (lighting type) throughout the session. There are times where we can play with that a little depending on time, the location and the desired poses. Otherwise, to achieve completely different mood/poses there can be an extra. See below.

The length of the session includes everything from the time taking the pictures, the changes but also any moving around we might have to do (for example, changing rooms, location, etc.). Changing lighting type also requires some time that is also included in the total length of the session.

Rest assured though, I am not working on a clock and putting pressure. Never will I ask to accelerate or push you into going faster or stressing you out. To be your best on ALL pictures, the more relaxe the setting is the more relax you’ll be. I prefer having less pictures that are good ones than aiming at more pictures in a stressed out environment. So, no timers ! As long as we work efficiently and seriously toward our goal. Lets have fun doing it !!


Each additional 60 minutes is  50$/hr.

When covering various locations, some exceptions are possible depending on the locations themselves. I will not count the moving between locations, but rather add a $10 to $25 fee per locations. Simply to cover some time and moving fees (gaz, parking, etc.). For example to go to various parks, city locations, hotel, etc…


Expect from 10 to 15 work days for delivery of you selected pictures. If you need the pictures in a faster way, let me know and I’ll try my best to accommodate you. But always keep in mind I do have other deliverables and also a life and must sleep every once in a while. So I cannot guaranty I’ll be able to comply. However, I try to keep some free time to help as much as possible people in a ‘rush’ !

Selection Gallery

When time (and distances) allows, I offer the unveiling of your gallery on location with you. You then discover your pictures and we can discuss on the spot the selection and any possible adjustments you may wish. When this is not feasible, either your agenda or mine are do not allow it, you will receive an email with the link and access code for your own gallery. You can then browse through it on your own. I remain available through email if you have any questions or discussions regarding the pictures.

This gallery will contain pictures selected out of your photo session. They are selected following my own quality standard, in particular all out of focus, test shots, closed eyes, so on and so forth are excluded. The ones selected will be slightly retouched to balance lighting and colours. The final adjustments are made on your final selection. These will receive all the required attention and loving care !


Your pictures are presented in a personalized gallery protected with a unique access code and password. The gallery is not otherwise visible, nor publicly  presented in any way. On average, you can expect this gallery within 2 to 4 work days following the photo session.

Ordering more pictures

It is possible to order more pictures than originally included in your package. The price for each is $15. If any retouching or specific adjustments are to be made on these as well, as explained before, extra charges may apply.

I also offer a volume discount. Above 20 additional pictures, the extra charge becomes a flat fee corresponding to the volume.  For example, from 20 to 30 additional photos, the flat fee would be $250 instead of a $15/photo.

Can I bring someone

You definitely can bring someone at the location. If that person is not also taking part in the photo session (hair stylist, Make-up artist, Stylist, other model), after we have met and greeted, I simply ask they wait in another room or some other places. I prefer to keep the shoot between people involved and to the strict minimum as to not disrupt our communications and exchanges will working on your poses.


You have a good friend you’d like to make a duo with, maybe for each other’s portfolio, or only yours ? No problem, we can make a duo session. Consult the Price List page here for the various offers.

For the basic duo session, simply add an extra $150. Even though each will get their individual photos, the number of duos taken will depend on your requirement within the time limit we have for the package.


Reservation / cancelation

Paiement Type

Bank transfert like Interact. Cash if required. Sorry no check and no debit card. All taxes excluded from the prices.


Normal, I prefer at least reservation made 2 weeks ahead. The delay can vary on the period. If my agenda allows it, I might accept a last minute session. However, we still must agree on the location, the mood and type of the shoot and enough time to prepare each on our side (inspiration, accessories, location reservation, etc.). The 50% is still and alway required even in these cases.  I try to remain as available as I can, but I cannot be at two places at once !

Reservation Down Payment

A 50% of the total is required as down payment to reserve the session.


If you need to cancel your session, in some cases I can understand it is something that can happen, we dont always have control over everything, so just let me know and we’ll see how to proceed. Keep in mind the down payment even though legally reimbursable, might be used in part to cover various fees and time spent on your session.


Electronic delivery (Dropbox)

You will receive a link from which you can download your pictures optimized for a web usage. Dropbox is used for the transfert. If you have any kind of restrictions in using Dropbox, let me know so we can agree on another method (WeTransfer for example).

No Watermarking (extra $$)

By default, I apply a small and discret signature on all pictures I deliver. This signature is applied in a corner in a way not to interfere with the picture’s content. However, it is possible to deliver the picture WITHOUT that signature/logo for an extra fee. (See the price list for details)

Adding your name / brand (Extra $$)

I also offer to add your own name and branding on your pictures. The visual needs to be discussed together (if you already have a file with it or if I need to create a simple one and how to apply it). When adding your own name, I DO NOT add mine as well. You dont want to end up with a publicity banner across your pictures !! Right ? haha !